Category Archives: Politics

Laugh and Donate for Georgia Senate Races!

Whose Election Is It Anyway – Georgia Edition!

We are again producing improv comedy shows to help support the Democrats running for Senate seats – this time in Georgia!

The two US Senate seats for Georgia will be determined in special elections on January 5. The Democrat candidates we are supporting for those seats are Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock:

Jon Ossoff: 

Raphael Warnock:

These two US Senate seats for Georgia will determine the power structure of the US Senate for the next two years. If you wish to support the side of the Democrats, you can donate at the fundraising link below:

Please read up on this special election and think carefully about how you vote if you’re a resident of Georgia:,_2021)

LAST SHOW!   8:00pm DEC 26! TONIGHT!

Join us for improv comedy and fundraising for Georgia’s Senate Races on the side of #OssoffAndWarnock!
This will be our sixth and final show in this series supporting Georgia Democrats running for Senate. If they win these two senate seats, the democrats will run the US Senate and Mitch McConnell will be done with his turn at the helm. If you’ve ever had any complaint about Mitch McConnell, you are in good company with us! Join us for laughs and fundraising!
Mountains of thanks to our amazing cast of comic improvisors!!
Andrew Harasty
Bill Dai Sutton
Emily Miller
Erica Harrah
Laura J. Parker
Liam Pippin Vaughan
Mary Collette
Mathias Blackett
Michael Greenstein
Thomas TJ Carani
And eternal inspiration from Romni Rossi!